STEP AP242 ed2 project STEP AP242 ed2 project

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STEP AP 242 edition 2 project

This project is described in the following paragraphs:

  • Introduction
  • Main benefits of the AP 242 edition 2 project
  • Consistency with other standardization projects
  • Target planning of AP 242 edition 2
  • Other related information



It was already foreseen in 2009 that new functionalities will have to be added to AP 242 edition 1. An international workshop has been organized mid September 2013 to define the scope of the AP 242 edition 2. It was completed by answers to a questionnaire. The result is the AP 242 edition 2 white paper, published on the 31st of March 2014.

After adoption of the AP242 edition 2 New Work Item by ISO, the project started on September 2014 and the standard is planned to be published on late 2017.


Main benefits of the AP 242 edition 2 project

The main benefit of AP 242 ed2 is the extension of AP 242 ed1 to the electrical design domain, completed with specific enhancements in the following domains:

  • PDM: finalization of the PDM harmonization with AP 239 edition 3,
  • 3D geometry, e.g. enhancements for 3D textures, curves tessellation,
  • 3D PMI semantic represention, to take into account ISO and ASME enhancements for PMI design methods, such as Geometric Dimensions and Tolerances,
  • Composite design (minor enhancements)
  • and mechanical design (enhancement for machining form feature, additive manufacturing design information)

It will result in a single integrated ISO standard covering product information interoperability capabilities for: Product Data Management, 3D model based design with PMI (e.g, Geometric Dimensions and Tolerances), Mechanical, Composite, and Electrical harness design, as illustrated in the next figure:



Consistency with other standardization projects

This standard will be consistent with the ISO 10303 STEP modular Application Protocols described in the following figure:


Together these STEP Application Protocols will be the foundation for specifications, engineering simulation and 3D model based design information interoperability of aerospace and defence industries. This should extend the use of STEP by the main manufacturing industries and the support by PLM software suppliers and integrators. 

The project will take also into account close coordination with other related standardization projects (e.g, LOTAR, OASIS PLCS / STEP AP 239 ed3, STEP AP 210, VDA VEC, future PDM IF, CAx IF, ISO 14739 PRC, 14306 JT ed2).


Target planning of AP 242 edition 2

The AP 242 ed2 project is planned with a 4-year duration, and includes the setting up of pilots to validate new functionalities. See next figure for the planning and the associated international workshops.

AP242 ed2 has successfully passed its ISO ballot, with unanimous positive vote, on October 4th, 2019. The document is now in final publication stage at ISO and we shall expect the IS availability early 2020.

Other related information



To join this project, please contact: Jean Brangé, Frederic Darre, Jean-Yves Delaunay, Pierre Duchier