CAE-IF overview CAE-IF overview

Computer-Aided Engineering Implementer Forum - CAE-IF


The CAE-IF is a sub group of the MBx-IF dedicated to the implementation and testing of the STEP AP209 standard. It focuses primarily on the Finite Element Analysis (FEA) in the Mechanical domain for Linear Static Analysis. Other domains (such as Dynamics analysis or CFD for instance) will be addressed later.

Related standard

ISO 10303 STEP AP 209 edition 2

Specific domain: Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design

Way of working

Two test rounds per year, with two face to face meetings with Virtual Meetings between Summits as required to support agenda

Meetings alternating between the hosting organizations to facilitate member participations

For more information

CAE IF public web site address:

Link to supporting associations related webpages:

Related ASD SSG projects pages / recommendations

Related component standard for AP209 ed2: link 

ASD SSG recommendations

The ASD SSG recommend to its members to participate in the CAE IF User Group.

The CAE IF User Group drives the priorities of the Interoperability Test Rounds of the CAE IF Implementer Groups.