TDP Message project TDP Message project


The TDP message project was launched by several European Company within the European Aerospace and Defence domain, as it was identified by ASD SSG that a standard formalising and providing recommended practices for producing a TDP message (or header) for secured transportation of files constituting a Technical Data Package was missing, when willing to support eBusiness PLM collaboration through emerging hubs.

The project is a non founded project, grouping companies involved in standardzsation and PLM collaboration initiatives. The core members are EADS, BoostConseil, AIRBUS and CASSIDIAN, knowing that some of the partners are representative of the consortia involved in BoostAerospace or industrial groups.

The project is open to any partner willing to contribute.

The current contact point are Nicolas Figay and Alexandre Fournier.


Project website:

ASD SSG TDP Message Header DEX specification ASD SSG TDP Message Header DEX specification

This document provides the definition of the TDP Message Header DEX, developed by the “TDP Message” working group sponsored by the ASD Strategic Standardisation Group (SSG).
The main Business Case motivating this TDP Message Header DEX specification is the secure files transfer/transportation of Technical Data Packages (TDPs) supported by a PLM Hub, such as BoostAerospace or PHUSION.
This specification is established as an ASD SSG Business DEX.
It is envisaged, in a second step, to propose this specification as an OASIS DEX.
This specification has been implemented and validated in two different platforms: BoostAeroSpace or PHUSION (EADS Hub).
ASD SSG is seeking a wide dissemination and exploitation of this open specification, considering that this TDP exchange mechanism is universally required by the Industry and still requires standardisation.


ASD TDP Message Header DEX Specification v1.0, 05/10/2012  (Ref: ASD/TDPMHDEX/1.0)

Annex 1: EXPRESS Schema TDP_Message_Header_EXPRESS_V1.exp
Annex 2: XML Schema TDP_Message_Header_XML_V1.xsd plus referenced schemas: cnf.xsd, doc.xsd and ex.xsd


Read more on TDM Message page.