Systems Modelling interoperability Systems Modelling interoperability

Role of this Systems Modelling interoperability activity is to define an A&D strategy in terms of methods and standards to specify, exchange and integrate system models in the Aerospace and Defence industry.

The Systems Modelling interoperability activity has started activities focusing on System Requirement management and exchange processes, through the launch of the RV&V-IF.

It is planned to progressively extend to the full Systems Modelling scope  (including system interfaces, system design and Verification & Validation).

Requirement exchange pilot case based on STEP (developed in 2016)


The standardization of exchanges of PLM data becomes more and more important in the aeronautic industrial world for three main reasons:

  • for continuity of the digital chain in an integrated extended enterprise (interoperability) through the different tools used, and for all the information exchanged,
  • for certification and verification of PLM models (legal requirements) and,
  • for the long term archiving (need for a neutral, complete, open data format) of the information.

STEP is an open and neutral standard managed by ISO, designed to cover the full scope of needs for the exchange and archiving of PLM data thanks to standards like the AP233, AP242 and AP239. These open formats are the most suitable solutions for ASD industries, covering all the needs of interoperability in PLM and addressing domains which can be complex, and interconnected.

Public test case

A public test case illustrating the exchange of a requirements cascade has been defined. This  covers several scenarios, e.g.:

  • Migration between two Requirements Management COTS applications (e.g. DOORS and ENOVIA Requirements Central),
  • Communication in the Extended Enterprise between an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) and its Risk Sharing Partners (RSP) or suppliers.

The standard selected to support the exchange is the STEP requirement data model (last version currently updated through the STEP AP242 ed1 project, to be integrated in the next AP233 edition). Information is physically exchanged using XML files (STEP Part 28).

This pilot demonstrates that STEP technology supports the required exchange functionalities.

Objective: to steer the Requirement Management vendors to develop STEP AP242 interfaces for interoperability of requirement management information managed in configuration, related to PDM product structure.

Note: AP242 data model for Requirement Management is consistent with STEP AP 233 “Systems Engineering” and AP239 PLCS

Download files

You can download the Pilot description and files:

  • The presentation of the Pilot, made  at ASD SSG meeting N°25
  • The considered scenario, presenting the information exchange process between an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) and a Risk-Sharing Partner (RSM).
  • The Pilot files, proposed in a zip file including:
    • The Pilot case based on a STEP AP 242 XML file
    • The Pilot case based on html file
    • The viewer of the STEP AP 242 XML file
    • The 2 XML schema definition (bom.xsd and Common.xsd) files.

People interested by this activity are invited to contact the activity leader: Claude Reyterou.