Electrical Information Interoperability WG Electrical Information Interoperability WG
 Last update: May 2019

The objective of the “Electrical Information interoperability” working group is to ensure the coordination and the consistency of all ASD standardisation activities related to electrical  information interoperability. This working group is part of the ASD SSG “Product Definition and Analysis interoperability” domain. 


The recommendations of the working group cover product information interoperability for the full life cycle of the electrical harnesses, from specifications to maintenance. This covers all the interoperability functions based on open standards, such as:

  • integration between heterogeneous authoring applications (upstream, downstream, ...)
  • communication with the extended enterprise or with the customers,
  • visualisation,
  • long term archiving and retrieval,
  • data quality, 
  • analytics,
  • and migration.

This web page will be regularly updated.


Based on a generic life cycle of Aerospace and Defence electrical systems, the following figure describes the different Electrical models with associated information characteristics.


Nota: Same figure than for the AIA – ASD Stan LOTAR “Electrical Harness” working group


List of use cases

The following table lists the European A&D use cases to be supported by the international standards for electrical harness interoperability.

CAD 2D wiring diagram


Exchange of CAD 2D wiring diagram for collaborative design (OEM to/from supplier)


LOTAR (*) of CAD 2D wiring diagram for: - certification (UC1), - consultation (UC2),
-reuse / modification (UC3)


CAD 3D electrical harness definition as installed


Exchange of CAD 3D electrical harness definition  as installed for collaborative design, (OEM to/from supplier)


Migration of CAD 3D Electrical Harness definition as installed


Visualisation of CAD 3D Electrical Harness definition as installed


LOTAR (*) of CAD 3D electrical harness definition as installed for : - certification (UC1), - consultation (UC2), -reuse / modification (UC3)


CAD 3D Electrical harness installation


Exchange of CAD 3D Electrical Harness installation to downstream processes


Migration of CAD 3D Electrical Harness installation


Visualisation of CAD 3D Electrical Harness installation


LOTAR (*) of CAD 3D electrical  harness installation for - certification (UC1), - consultation (UC2), - reuse / modification (UC3)


Flexible electrical harness definition


Exchange of flexible electrical harness definition for harness manufacturing (OEM to/from supplier)


Migration of flexible electrical harness definition


LOTAR of flexible electrical harness definition for - certification (UC1), - consultation (UC2), -reuse / modification (UC3)


Electrical Harness form board


Migration of CAD electrical harness form board


LOTAR (*) of CAD electrical harness form board for visualisation


LOTAR (*) of CAD electrical harness form board for reuse / modification


Integration / reconciliation between logical and physical electrical harness


Interconnection between CAD 3D electrical harness definition and electrical database


Interconnection / synchronisation between CAD 2D electrical schematic and CAD 3D electrical harness definition


Interconnection between CAD 2D electrical schematic and Electrical Database


LOTAR (*) of meta data of electrical harness database for reuse / modification


 (*): LOTAR stands for Long Term Archiving and retrieval

Nota: for access to use cases for Long Term Archiving and retrieval, refer to the LOTAR “Electrical Harness” WG web page.


ASD SSG 5 years vision

The 5 years vision of the ASD SSG “Electrical Information interoperability” working group is set up on three principles:

1)      Electrical harness interoperability ensured by the availability of use cases, ISO information model, recommended practices and CAD vendors testing.

 The operational use of Electrical harness interoperability standards by the A&D industries requires the availability of:

  • Business requirements of the industry,
  • Use cases for Electrical information interoperability, supporting A&D business needs and priorities,
  • Public test cases for Electrical information interoperability, illustrating the use cases,
  • International standards for Electrical Information models (Cf. principle 2)
  • International and/or European recommended practices based on use cases, detailing the implementation of the ISO Electrical information models,
  • Interoperability testing of the standardized Electrical information interfaces and services of the different PLM vendors, through the participation in the CAX Implementer Forum.

2)      Reliable ISO Information models for Electrical harness interoperability.

The ASD SSG recommends the choice of a limited number of core harmonised ISO 10303 Application Protocols, having interdependencies properly specified and managed through the time, completed by other relevant ISO standards.

The ASD SSG recommends supporting the development and the use of ISO 10303 AP 242 edition 2 as the cornerstone standard for electrical harness information interoperability (Ref. ASD SSG Feb. 2015 statement).

AP 242 edition 2 is developed in consistency with:

  • STEP AP 210 “Standard for Electronic Assembly Interconnect and Packaging Design”
  • STEP AP 233”Systems Engineering”,
  • STEP AP 239 “Product Life Cycle Support”
  • And the strong contribution of the VDA VEC specification.

Planned operational use of ISO standards for Electrical Information interoperability and long term archiving:



Short term

Mid term

Long Term


2020-2021 (N1) (N2)

2022-2023 (N3)

+2023 (N3)

Exchange - migration

STEP AP242 ed2

STEP AP242 ed3

STEP AP242 ed4

LT Archiving & Retrieval

STEP AP242 ed2

STEP AP242 ed3

STEP AP242 ed4

(N1): Solution based on AP242 ed1 for the exchange and preservation of the CAD 3D external shape of electrical harnesses with annotations.
 (N2): Solution based on AP242 ed2 for the exchange and preservation of Electrical harness design semantic.
 (N3): Ongoing action to gather business requirements for the preparation of the AP242 5 years roadmap.


3)    Contribution to the development and use of the NAS / EN 9300 4XX family, for Long Term Archiving and Retrieval of Electrical harness information.

The ASD SSG strategy relies on the joint AIA – ASD Stan LOTAR international project to develop the NAS / EN 9300-4XX standards for electrical harness.

The LOTAR standard will define Process, use cases, validation and verification rules for long term archiving and retrieval of electrical harness information - see LOTAR Electrical Harness Workgroup.

Related standardisation projects


Standard / Specification

Released Date

SSG blip

ISO 10303 STEP AP 212: “Electro technical design and installation”



ISO 10303 STEP AP 210 edition 3: “Standard for Electronic Assembly Interconnect and Packaging Design”



ISO 10303 AP 239 edition 2 “Product Life Cycle Support”



ISO 10303 STEP AP242 edition 2 “Managed Model-Based 3D Engineering”

2016 (*)


VDA 4968 "Vehicle Electric Container" (VEC) edition 1



NAS / EN9300 4XX "LT archiving & retrieval of Electrical harness  informatio"

In dev.



Related recommended practices